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Available Online

Inner Child Healing

Embrace your inner child: A journey of Healing and Reconnection

1 h 30 min
75 British pounds
Location 1

Service Description

Discover the transformative power of connecting with your inner child in this deeply nurturing and healing session. You will be supported and gently guided on a journey to meet, embrace and heal your inner child.

Cancellation Policy

 1. I am willing to be guided through relaxation, visual imagery, hypnosis, and/or stress reduction techniques. I am aware that this modality is non-medical in nature and it is my responsibility to consult my regular doctor about any changes in my condition or changes in my medication.  2. I understand Quantum Healing Hypnosis is not a substitute for regular medical care and I have been advised to consult my regular medical doctor or health-care practitioner for treatment of any old, new or existing medical conditions. A hypnosis session is not a medical treatment, diagnostic method, or a cure. Please consult your health care physician for diagnosis and treatment.  3. I understand that change is my own and complete responsibility. I understand that ALL HEALING IS SELF HEALING and that Jessie is only a “facilitator” in the process of helping me to solve my own problem(s). It is my responsibility to be open and honest, provide accurate feedback and be forthcoming with details and information that may help me achieve my outcomes.  4. I understand I may be asked to make changes to my life by my higher self in order to complete or solidify any healing or changes begun in our session. I understand that this information and advice for change comes not from the practitioner, but from my own higher being.  5. I understand that my facilitator may elect NOT to proceed with the session if she feels it is not in their or your best interest to do so.  6. I understand that the success of my session depends on my ability to relax and trust the process. I also understand it is important to practice meditation and visualization prior to my session to help me have the best possible experience during my session.  7. I understand that our session will be recorded for my later use. I also understand that in these types of metaphysical sessions, the energy of the session can possibly affect the recording resulting in static or blank recordings.  8. I understand that I need to have a strong internet connection and a headset with a microphone that goes in front of the mouth for my session or we may not be able to proceed with the session.  9. I understand that Jessie will ask for my permission before sharing any parts of my session online. I can request to keep my session private at any time. 10. I agree to full release and and hold harmless Jessie from and against any and all claims or liability of any nature arising out of, or in connection with my session.

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